Warren Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyer
Elimination Of Debts And Immediate Relief From Creditors
If you qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, your eligible debts are erased and creditor actions stop. The law firm of James C. Warr & Associates can help you take full advantage of this opportunity for a fresh start.
We offer competitive fees, but we are not a bankruptcy “mill.” Every case is personally handled by James Warr, who has practiced Michigan bankruptcy law since 1992. Based in Southfield, he has managed thousands of Chapter 7 cases in thorough the state of Michigan. Contact us today for a free consultation.
Bankruptcy Attorney: Debt Liquidation Through Chapter 7
Chapter 7 is the most common type of bankruptcy. It is sometimes called “liquidation” or “straight bankruptcy.” It wipes away credit card balances, medical bills and many other qualifying debts. You will no longer be required to pay those debts, and creditors prohibited from coming after you, as those debts are permanently eliminated.
A Chapter 7 discharge takes about four months. After the bankruptcy, you may choose to pay back some debts, such as money borrowed from family members. However, repayment is not required under the law. Typically, you can keep your home and car, provided that you are up to date on the mortgage or auto loan.
What Debts Are Discharged In Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
Chapter 7 can eliminate:
- Credit card and charge card debts
- Medical debts
- Personal loans (unsecured loans)
- Deficiency debts on repossessed vehicles or foreclosures
- Most civil judgments and personal injury debts

Chapter 7 does not eliminate:
- Student loans (except in extreme hardship cases)
- Property taxes or recent income taxes
- Alimony or child support payments
- Fines, penalties and criminal restitution
- Debts from fraudulent conduct
- Debts for intentional injury or property damage
- Debts for injury caused by drunk driving
You must qualify under the Chapter 7 means test (income level), and you must not have received a previous Chapter 7 discharge within the past eight years.
Will I Lose My Personal Property?
The bankruptcy court can liquidate your assets to partially satisfy your listed creditors. However, most of our Chapter 7 clients do not forfeit any property because most assets are covered under the Michigan or federal bankruptcy exemptions. Exempt property includes equity in your home and your vehicles (up to a maximum), retirement savings, household furnishings and most personal belongings. If you have nonexempt assets, such as a lake cabin or luxury items, Jim Warr can explain your options.
Avoiding Problems When Filing Chapter 7
Because of the many subtle aspects of Chapter 7 law, the issues of your particular case will only become clear once we evaluate the facts of your situation.
Therefore, if you are considering filing Chapter 7:
- Don’t make any more charges or take any cash advances on your credit cards.
- Don’t transfer property to others.
- Don’t make payments to “preferred” creditors.
The Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Process
In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, there is usually just one court appearance. This meeting is referred to as a Section 341 meeting, or Meeting of Creditors. At this meeting, a Chapter 7 trustee will ask you a few questions to determine whether you have any nonexempt assets. Your creditors are given notice of this meeting and are also permitted to question you. Usually, however, creditors do not attend. The session normally takes less than five minutes. Afterward, you wait about 2½ months for your discharge papers to arrive by mail.
Are You Ready For A Clean Start?
James Warr personally and meticulously prepares your petition, drawing on more than 32 years of focused knowledge. He offers competitive fees and free consultations, including evenings and weekends by appointment. Call 1-248-357-5860 or contact us online to talk to an experienced Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney.
We are a debt relief agency that assists people in filing for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.