Lawyer Who Can Stop Creditor Harassment
Credit card companies and collection agencies do not want to hear about your troubles or excuses. They want their money, and they will do whatever it takes for as long as it takes.
An End To The Phone Calls, Lawsuits, Threats, And Abuse
Consumer bankruptcy offers surefire and immediate relief from creditor harassment. On the day you file for protection, creditors are prevented from going after you. The automatic stay of bankruptcy and consumer protection laws should stop them cold, like garlic to a vampire. Creditors who continue collection efforts or harassment are subject to serious fines.
James C. Warr & Associates can help you explore bankruptcy as a solution to resolve your debt crisis and creditor problems. We can also pursue remedies if bill collectors defy the law. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with an experienced Warren attorney who can stop creditor harassment.
Stopping Debt Collection Phone Calls
When you file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, all creditor actions and collection efforts must cease immediately. This includes an end to:
- Garnishment of wages or tax refunds
- Vehicle Repossession
- Foreclosure proceedings
- Harassing phone calls to your home or place of work
- Embarrassing calls to your family or friends
- Threats, lies, and abusive language
- Lawsuits, judgements and liens

Creditors who need verification that you filed for bankruptcy can contact attorney James Warr. You will not have to deal with them anymore after filing for bankruptcy.
The Law Protects You From Abusive Creditor Actions
You may be behind on paying your bills, but that does not give creditors the green light to abuse you. In fact, the law prohibits creditors from using abusive debt collection practices. This traces back to 1977 when the Fair Debt Collection Practice Act was passed. Creditors are legally prohibited from using deceptive, abusive or unfair collection techniques. Debtors can also ask creditors for validation to ensure any collection efforts are legitimate.
To further support fair debt collection practices, the Telephone Consumer Protection Act was passed in 1991. Telemarketers have specific guidelines to follow and are restricted from using automated telephone equipment. Attorney James C. Warr is highly familiar with the practices creditors are responsible to follow. He will aggressively pursue remedies for clients when creditors violate fair debt collection practices
Holding Creditors Accountable For Violating the Automatic Stay
The U.S. Bankruptcy Court takes creditor harassment and misconduct very seriously. A bankruptcy judge can levy fines and other contempt of court sanctions against creditors and bill collectors who ignore the bankruptcy stay.
Debtors can also seek civil relief under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. The FDCPA allows individuals to sue third-party collection agents for up to $1,000 in statutory damages for each instance of harassment, plus attorney fees. Debtors can also sue creditors and credit reporting agencies for monetary damages for failing to indicate that debts were discharged in bankruptcy.
In most cases, filing for bankruptcy stops creditor harassment, period. If they persist, attorney James C. Warr will pursue a big settlement to take them to task.
Contact A Skilled Consumer Debt Relief Attorney
Experienced lawyer James Warr offers a free bankruptcy consultation, including evenings and weekends by appointment. Call 1-248-357-5860 to talk with a Warren attorney who can stop creditor harassment.
We are a debt relief agency that assists people in filing for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.